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Alice K's Shop

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Thanks for stopping by my shop. I am an experienced chartered primary teacher who has taught predominantly in Scotland. I also taught in England, Australia and in the Middle East. I produce a range of quality resources that provide depth and breadth. These resources should enhance the learning experience of pupils. There are many opportunities for active learning as well as structured tasks that consolidate and reinforce knowledge and application. Enjoy!




Thanks for stopping by my shop. I am an experienced chartered primary teacher who has taught predominantly in Scotland. I also taught in England, Australia and in the Middle East. I produce a range of quality resources that provide depth and breadth. These resources should enhance the learning experience of pupils. There are many opportunities for active learning as well as structured tasks that consolidate and reinforce knowledge and application. Enjoy!
Religious Education:  Saint Andrew -  Patron Saint of Scotland/ Facts and Activities
Alice KAlice K

Religious Education: Saint Andrew - Patron Saint of Scotland/ Facts and Activities

The initial presentation provides facts and information about Saint Andrew the Patron Saint of Scotland whose feast day is 30th November. Each slide is clear, colourful and presents information simply to promote discussion. There are two online links: one that shows a short clip about Saint Andrew’s life with an additional one that links to the lyrics and music of Saint Andrew’s Hymn. The second presentation has a range of activities to allow choice of task depending on the age range of the learners. They include: a word mat to support factual writing about Saint Andrew’s life a cut and stick activity with sea background for younger learners a simple handwriting task a mind map to support writing an extended report on Saint Andrew’s life a colouring activity The first presentation is ideal for an assembly to inform and raise awareness about our Patron Saint and to celebrate his feast day. The activities should follow on after the initial presentation has been shown and discussed. I have also included a few additional jpeg files to show fellow colleagues a more comprehensive preview.
Writing a Cinquain Poem - Poetry Made Easy
Alice KAlice K

Writing a Cinquain Poem - Poetry Made Easy

Writing a 5 line poem - CINQUAIN The introductory presentation includes: the signposts of a cinquain poem models to read, perform and analyse a planner for composition several suggestions for poetry tasks/activities an editing sheet The four seasonal presentations include: poems to read, enjoy and analyse poems where vocabulary can be explored and highlighted completed planners blank planners for poetry tasks These poetry activities also provide opportunities to explore vocabulary and consolidate grammar points. Children enjoy this type of poetry task because once they have mastered the pattern of the poem, they can compose several with different topics.
Design a Fireworks/ Halloween Themed Poster: Persuasive Writing Genre
Alice KAlice K

Design a Fireworks/ Halloween Themed Poster: Persuasive Writing Genre

These resources support the persuasive writing genre. The tasks involve designing a poster to advertise: a fireworks sale a cauldron shop a magic wand shop They can easily be adapted to include : a broomstick shop/sale spell shop. Both presentations detail the signposts of persuasion : ‘catchy phrases’ ‘bold slogans’ etc. I have included a homework task which could be used as a warm up before a ‘Big Writing’ class session. The word wall activity promotes: independent dictionary referencing thesaurus work. The word mat supports composition for any children who need more support and helps with illustrations - a key feature of a persuasive poster. A very enjoyable task which engages the learners, and particularly relevant in this season.
Fairy Tales and Legends : The Pied Piper Narrative with a Variety of Literacy Tasks
Alice KAlice K

Fairy Tales and Legends : The Pied Piper Narrative with a Variety of Literacy Tasks

This pack contains a comprehensive presentation of the narrative/legend 'The Pied Piper'. I have included thumbnails that show some of the tasks included as well as the complete presentation. It details the complete story with illustrations and teaching notes provided for each slide. It has sound effects as an additional feature. Within the presentation there are a variety of literacy 'follow on' tasks that learners could complete after familiarisation with the story and related vocabulary. The tasks are varied with active learning ,some written outcomes as well as speaking and listening outcomes. This story is like most fairy tales a wonderful experience for children to revisit the past and has magic and mystery within. My learners have always thoroughly enjoyed it and it is wonderful for discussion because of the unique and unexpected ending. Whiteboard 'quick fire' tasks are within the PowerPoint as well as some online links for further exploration.
Report Writing -  Egyptian  Theme -  Models, Planning, and Assessment
Alice KAlice K

Report Writing - Egyptian Theme - Models, Planning, and Assessment

A comprehensive pack of resources - non-chronological report writing These resources include a: 1st presentation that introduces the general features of report writing in a colourful, child friendly format that clearly leads the learners through the signposts of the genre. 2nd presentation that continues with the assessment of reports including online link and differentiated checklists - peer and self editing. Additional resources provide: A clear concise and interesting model report on Egypt for learners to read, discuss, analyse, highlight and ‘pull apart’ - active learning. An annotated report to provide the teacher with the main teaching points of the model report. A colourful word mat with sentence starts and vocabulary to support report writing. A mind map for the planning stage which is partially completed to support learners ( can be easily edited to provide less support). Word strips with facts about Egypt - ideal for ‘cut and stick’ activities ( learners can categorise facts under headings in a carousel type activity) This detailed pack of resources will support the learners thoroughly from the initial lesson on the structure of a report through assessment ,the analysis of models and finally to a finished piece that can be assessed and celebrated.
Mental Maths Mini Whiteboard Tasks- Starters and Plenaries
Alice KAlice K

Mental Maths Mini Whiteboard Tasks- Starters and Plenaries

A series of Mental Maths PowerPoint Presentations which can ideally be used as starter activities or plenaries. They focus mainly on numerical calculation within 100 and provide a 'quick fire' activity to promote mental recall. Children use mini whiteboards to record answers and each presentation provides answers which children can mark immediately as they proceed through the tasks. . Tasks include: adding, subtracting and fact families. There is an emphasis on presenting maths language in different forms like: add, count on, increase, plus, subtract, minus etc. There is no preparation required and the slides are easily edited to provide further practice.
Assessment of Writing - Comprehensive ready made writing comments on printable labels
Alice KAlice K

Assessment of Writing - Comprehensive ready made writing comments on printable labels

These presentations provide a comprehensive pack of writing comments based on Assessment for Learning principles. The comments describe the positive features in relation to the learning objective and clarity of the writing. For some children, it is advisable to give one positive comment and one suggestion for improvement. The comments remind children about the learning objectives and allow group, class or individual feedback to ensue easily. They deal with the children’s writing performance (both strengths and weaknesses). In addition they observe and recommend a strategy that would improve their writing. They are mostly genre specific but also include comments about technical skills and punctuation. PRINTING THE LABELS (L 7162 & L7163) It is easy to download Avery Wizard (free). It will appear on your top menu bar. Open one of my PowerPoint presentation with comments - strengths /how to improve  Open a blank Word document  Click on Avery Wizard  Choose either code (L 7162 & L7163)  Select comment from PowerPoint presentation  Paste onto Avery label and follow instructions to finish  Page of labels ( 16 or 14) will appear on word document - just like that! I have included several documents that are already transferred to Avery label format for easy printing - Code L7162 ( 16 labels to a page) & Code L7163 ( 14 labels to a page). If you are looking for a range of writing comments to scaffold and suggest improvements- this should do the trick.
Writing Instructions : Introducing  the Genre in an Active Manner
Alice KAlice K

Writing Instructions : Introducing the Genre in an Active Manner

‘How to make a Salad’ and ‘How to make Porridge’ - Instruction Writing This pack of resources introduces the writing genre- instructions in a ‘child friendly’ manner. The food presentations are colourful and clearly set out the ‘signposts’ of the genre: a) 'How to… ’ title for instructions b) ‘What you need’ c) Pictures to aid meaning for the reader d) ‘What you do’ or ‘Method’ e) Numbering each instruction This ensures that the children experience and engage with models before attempting independent writing tasks. The ‘cut and stick’ activities resources match the initial presentations and provide a scaffold for the children to read , understand, label and order instructions in an active manner. I have also included larger pictures that would be ideal when working with a smaller group who need more support. These should be laminated if possible. The teacher can easily demonstrate the layout ‘step by step’ for children who need more direct teaching. I have also included the learning intentions and success criteria for the tasks. The last presentation is a fun recipe version based on summer time . It can be read, explored and enjoyed before the children attempt to write similar instructions using a support mat provided on the presentation. There are two versions , colour background for smart board use and white background to save costs when printing. This presentation can be adapted for use with other seasons : Spring, Autumn and Winter.
Introduction to Autumn  - A Variety of Autumnal Tasks
Alice KAlice K

Introduction to Autumn - A Variety of Autumnal Tasks

This pack introduces children to early sentence construction using an autumnal theme. The ’ Let’s write about Autumn’ presentation allows the teacher to model simple sentence construction on a smart board. The teacher then has the option to scaffold a few sentences from the visual prompt on the following slide. Alternatively, the children can actively ‘share the pen’ with the teacher and write on whiteboards using the visual prompt. They could also record on whiteboards after the teacher has modelled using the simple word wall provided. I have also included a printer friendly version where children can record sentences on sheets which provides independent tasks. The ’ Autumn Scarecrows’ presentation provides simple information in a clear and engaging way. It is followed by: a factual writing task a ‘cut and stick’ activity with background provided a colour coded scarecrow task a symmetrical task. There is also an online link provided for a ‘scarecrow’ action song. This is particularly suited as a cross curricular link for Autumn. Hope your learners enjoy the seasonal resources. I welcome feedback/reviews. Enjoy Autumn with your classes.
Numeracy - Working within 100 ( a comprehensive unit of work)
Alice KAlice K

Numeracy - Working within 100 ( a comprehensive unit of work)

A comprehensive maths pack which provides practice, consolidation and reinforcement of number bonds within 100. The emphasis on addition and subtraction provides many different opportunities to calculate within 100 . The word problems ensure that the children can use and apply addition and subtraction rules within real life situations. I have differentiated many of the resources to 3 levels to accommodate a range of learners within a class. The pack consists of: Addition within 100 calculation (differentiated) Subtraction within 100 calculation ( differentiated) Word Problems ( Using and Applying Mathematical Knowledge) Ten a Day ( A set of resources to provide more practice - a mixture of calculation and problem solving) Number Square Challenges -fun activities which provide reinforcement Can be used in for differentiated groups, individually or as whiteboard activities.
Writing Sentences  -  A Simple Introduction to Writing
Alice KAlice K

Writing Sentences - A Simple Introduction to Writing

This unit contains a series of writing pictorial prompts with accompanying word walls. It also has several accompanying written responses that can be analysed and serve as reminders to the children to: vary their sentence starts vary the length of their sentences use the word wall when composing sentences about the picture use capitals at the beginning of each sentence use full stops, exclamation marks and question marks as appropriate Connectives or 'joining' words are provided on each slide to encourage more complex sentences. I use it on a weekly basis to provide a 'short burst' writing task which helps the children to produce 3-5 sentences. I vary the task by asking the children to respond to the prompt on their white boards as well as within their jotters. The pictures are clear, colourful and stimulate discussion before writing and can be easily edited and changed to reflect current topic etc. The models are provided so that the teacher can easily prompt the children to notice a variety of starters , use of connectives and adjectives. I colour code the sentences - green at the start of each sentence and red for full stops, question marks and exclamation marks at the end. The unit is an additional writing resource that requires little preparation and complements longer writing tasks. Would be delighted if you could leave feedback.
Fairy Tales & Legends- The Elves and the Shoemaker Narrative and Literacy Tasks
Alice KAlice K

Fairy Tales & Legends- The Elves and the Shoemaker Narrative and Literacy Tasks

This unit explores the traditional tale: The Elves and the Shoemaker with online links as well as a comprehensive range of literacy tasks for your learners. It contains: speaking and listening tasks reading the narrative syllable tasks handwriting tasks sentence construction /ordering tasks an art task as well as oral retelling of the narrative. It is particularly useful if the teacher uses many of the slides to explain and discuss tasks as well as involve the children in whiteboard tasks. A word wall is provided which can be used for further vocabulary development. It places literacy within a meaningful context and allows plenty of incidental and active learning to take place.
Mental Maths Workout- Starters and Plenaries
Alice KAlice K

Mental Maths Workout- Starters and Plenaries

A series of Mental Maths PowerPoint Presentations which can ideally be used as starter activities or plenaries . They focus mainly on numerical calculation and provide a 'quick fire' activity to promote mental recall. Children use mini whiteboards to record answers and most presentations provide answers which children can mark immediately as they proceed through the tasks. A few of the presentations provide slides where the teacher records the answers below using an interactive white board pen. Tasks include: adding, subtracting, doubling, halving, multiplying by 10,100, finding simple fractions of numbers and some problem solving, There is no preparation required and the slides are easily edited to provide further practice. Would be delighted if you could leave feedback.
Minibeast Introduction  and Food Chains Pack
Alice KAlice K

Minibeast Introduction and Food Chains Pack

I created these presentations/resources for my class as a series of cross curricular lessons on minibeasts. The resource bundle has simple and appealing presentations to introduce minibeasts and food chains. I have included tasks and active learning throughout the presentations. I feel that young learners benefit from clear and concise minibeast facts as many of the relevant non fiction texts are too difficult for early readers to access. The Butterfly Presentation includes: simple factual information about butterflies to read and discuss opportunities to build up important ‘butterfly’ vocabulary before writing ( mini whiteboard task) factual writing task with sentence stems a labelling task and life cycle sequencing task ‘butterfly’ poems to read, enjoy, discuss and perform simple ‘draw a butterfly’ task & alternative ‘cut and stick’ task The Spider presentation includes: simple factual information about spiders to read and discuss opportunities to build up important ‘spider’ vocabulary before writing (mini whiteboard task) factual writing task with sentence stems a labelling task ( spider’s body) ‘spider’ poems to read, enjoy, discuss and perform simple art lesson for a spider web The Minibeast Poetry presentation provides an opportunity for learners to compose a minibeast poem. It details the structure of the poem and has appealing graphics and suggestions to aid composition. In addition, there is a basic introduction to food chains with pupil tasks. Links are also provided throughout all the presentations to appropriate minibeast songs/stories that enhance and enrich the learners’ experience as well as active tasks/games e.g. complete the food chain. Finally, some more general resources are included on living & non-living things and a ‘roll a dice’ task (minibeast body parts) which would be an ideal starting point for very young learners. Would be delighted if you could leave feedback.
List Poetry - My Magic Purse
Alice KAlice K

List Poetry - My Magic Purse

This clear, concise and colourful presentation leads the learners step by step through the composition of a list poem based on a ‘magic purse’ theme. There is a grammar element throughout with an emphasis on nouns, adjectives and ‘ing’ verbs. I find that a poetic context is an effective way to embed incidental grammar teaching in class. Although the outcome is a simple list poem, it can easily be differentiated for older learners. This would involve extending each line using e.g. adverbs or an additional clause. I have included the extension task for older learners on the latter part of the presentation . I have also provided pro formas for the children to use for their initial draft before they revise, edit and improve.
Introduction to Literature Circles - A step by step guide with pro formas provided
Alice KAlice K

Introduction to Literature Circles - A step by step guide with pro formas provided

A selection of PowerPoints that introduce Literature Circles and the benefits of promoting this within a literacy /reading session. One is devoted to introducing Literature Circles to teachers and practitioners who are unfamiliar with them. The other two presentations are intended for children and can be used to guide them through the roles plus the approach needed for successful collaborative work. The badges for each role are provided for lamination. The pro formas for each role are also included. This approach encourages independent reading and supports active reading within the classroom. A Literature Circle word mat provides stimulating questions to scaffold and enhance speaking & listening within a group . This word mat could also be used by the teacher as a plenary activity.
Developing Inferential Skills in Reading and Writing - Comprehension Passages and Story Starters
Alice KAlice K

Developing Inferential Skills in Reading and Writing - Comprehension Passages and Story Starters

Two Packs included are intended to develop inferential skills in both reading and writing. Pack A - 'Read between the Lines' incorporates : 15 differentiated passages Literal and Inferential questions True/False and ‘Don’t Know’ statements to encourage close reading, skimming and scanning for details and reading for meaning. Pack B - 'Over to You!' incorporates: 18 differentiated story starts - opening passages ‘Openers’ word wall Prompts to encourage ‘quality ‘writing Writer’s craft editing sheet to encourage continuation of events, characters and setting. It is intended to provide writers with an initial start and to help develop a continuation of the writer's craft. Ideal as a ‘short burst’ writing task or can be used for more extended writing tasks. Would be delighted if you could leave feedback.
Rainforest Poetry
Alice KAlice K

Rainforest Poetry

‘Who lives here?’ PowerPoint introduces a ‘conversation’ poem about the creatures and habitat of the rainforest. It provides a structured step by step lesson to support composition. It also allows reinforcement of parts of speech, particularly verbs and prepositions. Extended poetry task also provided for variety and possible differentiation. Several verse examples are provided for clarity. Rainforest booklet is provided for children to write their final draft for display or poetry portfolio. ‘Rainforest List Poem’ PowerPoint continues with a poetic theme and uses a simple format to motivate composition. This clear, concise and colourful presentation leads the learners step by step through the composition of a list poem based on a ‘rainforest’ theme. There is a grammar element throughout with an emphasis on nouns, adjectives and ‘ing’ verbs. I find a poetic context an effective way to embed incidental grammar teaching. Although the outcome is a simple list poem, it can easily be differentiated for older learners. This would involve extending each line using e.g. adverbs or an additional clause. Children are encouraged to compose an opening line, closing line and’ list’ lines inbetween.
Introduction to the Rainforest
Alice KAlice K

Introduction to the Rainforest

A simple introduction to the topic Rainforests. Photos to support simple text to encourage and promote discussion about this environment. Ideal as a start to the topic - Rainforests.
Candlelight  Poetry Powerpoint
Alice KAlice K

Candlelight Poetry Powerpoint

Poem is annotated to illustrate the poetic techniques used such as - alliteration, metaphor and simile. It provides an easy to follow guide for the teacher to discuss the poem . The children go on to compose about this subject or other subjects using the exemplar as their guide.